It's never too late to post photos from a trip until it definitely is. Like after you inadvertently delete 300 photos from your godamn iPhone. I tried getting Jobso on the iPhone to fix this, but the guy doesn't even return calls from Woz, so my expectations are low. Plus there's that restraining order thing from the time I saw him chowing down on BBQ Pork at Whole Foods in Cupertino. Vegetarian, my ass. So these photos are from my Canon G9. And honestly, I'm not sure they're any better than the iPhone except for the fact that they're higher resolution and they weren't deleted.
These are completely unretouched except for editing I did in PicasaPhoto to crop them, refocus them, change the colors and otherwise make them look more like National Geographic. Heck, some of these I downloaded from National Geographic. Just kidding. Mostly.
At any rate, feel free to take these photos and turn them into your last minute Christmas, Hanukkah, Quanza or New Year's greeting card. You can claim you spent three weeks in Mongolia and it was the time of your life. I mean, it's not like somebody's gonna really quiz you on it. And if they do, just tell them the place was big, there wasn't a single Starbucks to be found anywhere and you got food poisoning. They'll quickly lose interest. Some topics just aren't that social, ya know?